Monday, March 29, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

This week is a travel week. That means this weekend we will be eating at my parents' house for the holiday. It also means that I get a little reprieve from cooking. :) Here's our plan for the week:

Monday - Chicken with spinach, peppers, and cucumbers on whole wheat tortillas
Tuesday - Leftover hamburgers on whole wheat rolls
Wednesday - Vegetable curry (been wanting to make this recipe for a week, but didn't have the curry paste)
Thursday - Leftover veggie curry
Friday - Chicken quesadillas (from the freezer)
Saturday - Mom's cooking
Sunday - Grab and growl (aka grab something from the fridge because we just got home :))

Breakfasts are the norm: homemade bagels, banana bread, waffles, and cereal
Lunches will be leftovers, tuna wraps, pb&j

Want to get some more ideas from other menu plans? Head over to

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great menu plan for a busy travel week! Thanks for sharing the recipe links...the vegetable curry, sounds yummy!
