Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Menu plan Monday - a day late

Hi friends!  I feel like I am constantly apologizing about not being consistent with my posting.  This time it had to do with snow, ice, and a wrecked car.  All persons involved in said accident are fine, but our car is not so fine.  Top that with finding out that we owe the government lots of money this year and it's been tough to get into a blogging groove.  I figured I would at least post our menu for the week, even though it's a day late. 

Monday - Pasta with meat sauce
Tuesday - Leftovers
Wednesday - Quinoa cakes served alongside spinach salad
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - Calzones with homemade sauce
Saturday - Lentil sloppy joes
Sunday - Leftovers

Breakfasts will be smoothies, muffins, cereal, and oatmeal.  Lunches will be more smoothies, leftovers and PB&J.

I am trying to make our grocery budget as lean as possible over the next couple of months as a result of our unexpected expenses.  I am hosting an event at work about healthy alternatives to Valentine's Day desserts, so I need to do a trial run for most of them.  That needs to be figured in my budget too.  It's going to be tough, but I am confident I can make it work.  :)

If you'd like to check out more menu plans, see Orgjunkie or Fit Meals Monday.


  1. oh wow...so glad no one was injured in the car accident! albany is getting hit today too... slid home it seems like, all the way from the classroom! Oh....and I gave you a blog award...come on over to my site to claim it! you'll have to scroll down a bit....

  2. I'm glad everyone is okay! BTW, I never apologize for taking a break, not even when readers are emailing me asking if I am alive :) - family always comes first and I always find my way back.

    The lentil sloppy joes sound delicious!

  3. Do you use dried beans? I heard they cost 1/5th as much as canned. I'm going to do better.

  4. I do use dried beans. They are cheaper and you don't need to be concerned with BPA in the cans. I often forget to soak them overnight, but you can use the quick soak method if that happens. Bring the pot of beans to a vigorous boil, take off the heat and cover for one hour. Rinse the beans, fill pot with water again and cook until they reach desired tenderness. Make a big batch and freeze in 1 1/2 cup quantities (approximately the amount in one can), that way you are ready for whenever you need a can of beans.
